Many people immediately hire a local agent when they decide to sell their house. Although agents are helpful, you should also consider other alternatives that could save you time and money. A lot of first-time home sellers may not be aware of the other options that they could use that may be better for the type of property they are selling, or for the location. In our latest blog post, we will outline some of the fees that come with a traditional listing so that you can better weigh your options!
What to look at before listing your Stroudsburg property
The prices of other homes
Before you list your house, look at others like it that are for sale in your area. Compare the asking prices to the selling prices. How does your home compare? Is it worth more or less than other houses nearby? You need to look at it from a buyer’s perspective, so before you make any hasty decisions, think about what buyers are looking for in a property. They want to get the most value for their money.
The cost of improvements
Because of this, you will most likely have to add improvements to the property so that it’s able to draw in buyers and looks like a wise investment. If your home takes too long to sell, people might think there is something wrong with it, thus compounding the issue. You need your house to look amazing and be an excellent value compared to other houses on the market.
How much does an agent cost? Let’s break it down!
Agent reputation
The Closing Table
By the closing date, you will not only have to pay your agent their commission, but also come up with the estimated 2% of the final sale price for closing costs. These include appraisal fees, taxes, deed recording, and title search, among other things. Hiring an agent means having to put up these closing costs, leaving your final income less than what you may have desired.
When you make a direct sale to Skilled Property Finders however, we cover all those expenses for you. A direct sale eliminates the additional expenses that typically come with hiring an agent, and you get your property’s worth in an instant from us.
It’s important to use your time wisely
By listing your home, you can never be certain about how much money you will make or when the house will close. Even working with an agent won’t give you assurances, and it can be frustrating and make it hard to plan for your future. In addition, monthly costs such as insurance, taxes, and utilities will still need to be paid even after the listing goes up.
Skilled Property Finders offers a direct sale option for your home that is easy and transparent. Unlike with an agent, you will know the price and closing date upfront without having to worry about anything else.
If you’re interested in selling your house soon, call or message us and find out how we can help! We buy houses in Stroudsburg, PA and can close in three weeks or less. If we fail to close within that time period, you get an additional $5,000! Our number is (570) 526-2711, so don’t hesitate to call us today.